Saturday, December 10, 2005

Swedish Invasion...

The only reason God created this plot of land named Sweden was because they created:
  1. the infamous penis enlarger pump you previewed on Austin Powers - not that I need it of course ;)
  2. succulent meatballs which probably was derived from blended cow udders, turkey tits, lamb testicles and everything under the 'meat' category.. but im lovin it ~

And when did IKEA hire not-so-straight interior designers?! Who is gonna pay RM99 to be hypnotized into engaging in same-sex sex?! Uh huh! I see alota hands there! Ok.. you can put them down now! What more can one say to themselves when lookin in the freaking mirror?
"Uh huh, you, yes... i'm talking to you, you sexay thing. Damn, this jackets is like, sooo last season! But who cares, le coq manifique!"
On a totally different topic! Got myself a plant, suppose to invite "chi" into the room (like I don't have enough of it already).. the oxygen it produces... simply energising! Breathe in..breathe out!
Guys, it's fake... And stop being so disgusted as though you just saw me in some skimpy tights doing yoga with that bladdy pot of plant. Well, RM22 for this but at least it will be alive for a pretty long time. You don't say! ~


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